Summer was Finished!
After a long delay, hello once again! Summer was finished (at least in Sweden :) ) and many things happened during summer for me. I wanted to write about them but since I used to be very lazy in blogging :) always I was postponing it to another occasion. But what's up?
First of all, in July issue of JSSC, my first journal article was published. This was the good news that I had written about after my ESSCIRC/CICC post. Then I had a conference trip to Canada to attended MWSCAS/NEWCAS joint conference in Montreal. It was also very useful and in addition, our paper got the best student paper award that is actually surprising. Montreal was also very nice city and I enjoyed visiting many nice places and meeting new interesting people during conference sessions. The following picture has been taken in Montreal in front of McGill University.
First of all, in July issue of JSSC, my first journal article was published. This was the good news that I had written about after my ESSCIRC/CICC post. Then I had a conference trip to Canada to attended MWSCAS/NEWCAS joint conference in Montreal. It was also very useful and in addition, our paper got the best student paper award that is actually surprising. Montreal was also very nice city and I enjoyed visiting many nice places and meeting new interesting people during conference sessions. The following picture has been taken in Montreal in front of McGill University.