Soon in April I should defend my licentiate thesis. Perhaps for students in US and Canada it is not clear what licentiate degree is. However in EU this degree represents different educational levels in different countries. To get more information, there is a definition in Wikipedia. In Sweden this degree is roughly equivalent to half of a doctoral dissertation. Anyway, I am writing the thesis and the first draft is somehow ready. It should be sent to the university print office, about 6 weeks before the day of defense. Also before getting this degree, student should have passed 30 course credits out of 60. This is the rule in the electrical engineering department in our university but in the computer science it is 40 out of 60 and there are other departments in which student should pass totally 80 course credits during his/her Ph.D. studies.
best of luck with the licentiate thesis
In out university (SFU) we have something similar which is called Depth Exam and the PhD student should give a thorough survey I what he/she has studied and give a rough proposal of what he is going to do.
Dear Mehdi, thanks for sharing the information about your university. Please let us know also about needed number of credits during Ph.D. studies. Thanks.
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