
Summer is going to be finished soon, at least in Sweden. Always Swedish people are joking about seasons in their country. They say that there are only two seasons in Sweden: long white winter and short green winter! But I think Sweden is one of the most beautiful countries in the summer. I have taken above pictures in our city and in a city close to ours called "Norrkoping".
This summer was very nice and warm in Sweden. During July it was hardly rainy and people always were enjoying sunny weather. Actually one of the drawbacks! of this kind of weather is that working becomes very hard in an office with window to the outside. Always you like to go out and enjoy fresh air. I think in such a summer performance of people is in its minimum. :)
Yep, I agree with you. People always wanna go out and walk in the good weather. And no work for the day.
Hej! i saw your name in the email about patenting course, and i thought i must know him.. what a small world! i think we were classmate.. but let me be honest, i didn't remember your face, now i am in Norrköping doing a part of my PhD research ... good luck, see u!
pishapish tavalodetoon mobarak
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